Thomas Krajnik

Tom was elected to the WSFA Board of Directors during the 2013 Convention, replacing longtime Director, Steve Krause. Tom a lifetime resident of Mishicot joined the department there in 1984. He was elected as President of the MFD in 1997 and was elected Lieutenant in 1999, a position which he still holds. Tom is a state-certified Firefighter 1, Firefighter 2, and a state-certified Driver Operator. He is also a member of the Mishicot Area Ambulance Service, joining in 1981 as a Driver. Tom continues to be active with the Ambulance Service, maintaining an EMT-B license since 1986. He is also a member of the Manitowoc County EMS Association, where he serves as Treasurer. Tom and his wife, Myrna, have three grown children. The oldest, Sam, a graduate of UW-Milwaukee, works with Tom at the Chevrolet dealership in Two Rivers, which he and three of his siblings own. His second child, Kenny, a graduate of IUPUI, works for Schmidt-Peterson Motorsports in Indianapolis. His youngest, Elizabeth, a junior at St. Norbert College, is majoring in English. Tom and Myrna are volunteer Puppy Raisers for Leader Dogs for the Blind, a school for the deaf, blind, and mute founded by the Rochester Lions Club. They are currently raising their sixth dog, Ruby, a pure-bred black Labrador Retriever. They began raising puppies in 2003.