Savvik Buying Group

WSFA continues to work with Savvik Buying Group, the nation’s largest Non-Profit Public Safety Group Purchasing Organization (GPO), whose vast assortment of contracts and programs can assist you in saving time and money. Savvik represents over 12,000 public safety agencies in the United States and beyond, assisting groups like ours for over 20 years. All WSFA members can use as many, or as few, of these programs and bids as you like with no requirements, or charges of any kind for your service. Savvik recognizes your independence to buy from who you want, when you want, and they make sure that your freedom is paramount in its agreements. Many of these programs are already publicly bid and awarded and you can simply link to the contract of your choice. But it is not just agencies that can save with Savvik. There are programs like AT&T, Hotel Engine, Office Depot, Staples, 5.11 and Grainger that service employees and individual WSFA members can utilize as well. A portion of what is spent by our group using a Savvik contract comes back to the WSFA, so every time you save time and money using Savvik you are helping our organization as well.